And Sex

It's bizarre how far away 1994 feels today. I was a kid then. It felt nostalgic in 2006 when I first wrote this strip but now it feels almost unreal. Observant readers will notice some changes, namely the lack of flashback. This is to be consistent with how flashbacks are used in the rest of the story. This story is confusing enough.

5 thoughts on “And Sex

  1. There’s nothing quite like it to get you in the mood! 😳

    1. It will become more clear 😀

  2. Wahey, Anders ❤️ Maria is back! 🥰

  3. Conflictedintrovert

    goodness I gobbled through the stuff that is posted. My partner never got to read it so I’m excited to get to share this with them.

  4. Are you going to keep updating? I was so excited to see the archives come back and would love to reread it all from the beginning!

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